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Community Links

Here at Waddington Redwood Primary Academy, we have established links with a range of organisations in our community.

Starting school...

Transition from nursery to Reception

We have forged strong links with our local nurseries to ensure the smooth transition of children into our Early Years Foundation Stage.  Our teachers visit the children in their nurseries long before they start school, and important information is passed to us so we can start planning for the children as early as possible.

...and leaving school

Transition from Year 6 to Secondary School

Moving to secondary school is an exciting time for our Year 6 children, but it can also be a daunting one.  To minimise the children’s anxiety, we start the transition process in the spring term.  Once parents/carers have been informed about school places, we liaise with secondary schools, passing on academic information about the children and passing on details of any additional needs.  During the summer term, secondary schools visit the children at Redwood and all children have the opportunity to attend an Induction Day at their selected secondary school.  We also offer an extended transition programme for any children feeling particularly anxious about the changes ahead.

Cluster meetings

At Redwood, we understand the importance of working collaboratively with other schools in the locality. 

We arrange regular meetings with colleagues in other schools to discuss new initiatives, share good practice and act as ‘Critical Friends’.

Children’s Centre

Although the Children’s Centre is located in a building separate to the school, we enjoy having opportunities to participate in joint events and share resources. 

The Centre takes part in our annual summer fair and we have recently attended a ‘Meet the Schools’ event hosted there.

Children and Young People Board CYPB

At Redwood we support the children and families of Armed Forces.  The CYPB promotes the empowerment of service children and young people to develop their skills as active citizens.  Regular meetings are held every month to discuss our provision for service children and to suggest further ways to support them and their families.

religious community

We have established links with religious communities and children are given the opportunity to visit local places of worship.  We have long standing links with St. Michael’s Parish church in Waddington and with the minister.  Reverend Anabel comes into school to talk to children about her role in the church and at religious events in the Christian calendar such as Christmas and Easter.  She is also an integral part of our Y6 Labyrinth afternoon at the end of the year in which children reflect on their journey through primary school.


At Redwood, we pride ourselves on the amount of sporting opportunities we provide for our children both in school and out. 

Hannah Simmons Dance Company

Dance & Fitness Company - During term-time, Miss Hannah and her colleagues come into Redwood to deliver dance sessions after-school to all of our children. Miss Hannah and her team are all qualified dance teachers who offer a range of dance styles: street dance, cheerleading, ballet, dance fitness and many more! They run clubs inside and outside of schools and nurseries throughout Lincoln. In addition to this, Hannah and her team come in to our school weekly to work with our EYFS children.

Lincoln City Foundation

The Lincoln City Foundation Primary School Packages, aims to inspire, challenge and deliver high-quality provision to children. Their services are designed to meet the Department for Education (DfE) guidelines for primary school sport funding. At Redwood, their coaches run an after-school multi sports club using our school field and facilities. In addition to this, the coaches come into school each week to work with our Year 6 Sports Leaders and also offer active pastoral support sessions to children across the Academy.

Chance to Shine

Helping to inspire young people through cricket. Their programmes give children the chance to not only play cricket, but grow a love for the sport, learn vital life skills, improve wider wellbeing and fulfil their potential. During our summer term, Coaches from Chance to Shine have visited Redwood to deliver coaching sessions to our children. Typically over a half-term,  qualified coaches teach pupils key cricket, physical and life skills. Each session is adapted to the needs of the children to help them become confident cricketers.          

Lincolnshire School Games 

The Lincolnshire School Games offer a wide range of fun, inclusive sports and activities to get children moving. Responding to local need and insight, the School Games aim to create positive experiences in a fun, safe environment, and provide children with the foundations for a more active lifestyle. Active Lincolnshire, help schools across the county to deliver accessible School Games to all children.

Providing schools access to a wide range of sports.
The Youth Sport Trust, as the development agency supporting the network, works with a range of partners including 44 National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs), who drive content around their school sports offers. Instilling the School Games values of passion, self-belief, respect, honesty, determination and teamwork supports schools to achieve their broader whole school objectives. We take part in competitions with other Lincoln-based schools in a whole range of different sports.

Lincoln Primary Schools Football and Netball League 

Redwood strives to enter two into the local primary schools football and netball league each year.  We provide an after school club for both Netball and Football run by our in house team.

The Joy Foundation

We enjoy a long standing link with The Joy Foundation, a Christian charity, working with children in local schools in Lincoln and beyond.  Andy Housam, a representative of the Foundation, is well established in school and delivers regular collective worship. In addition, he often runs active after school clubs to our children. Specifically a Challenge Club which is based around Physical, Practical and Personal Challenges that keep the children engaged, active and provoke further consideration of what is presented through Collective Worship and school values.

 ENRICH Education

Enrich Education's mission is to have a positive impact on young people’s health and well-being by providing creative, physically active learning experiences. Enhancing opportunities for schools to access orienteering and cross-curricular outdoor learning. At Redwood they have offered a range of sport and education programmes and activities, including Orienteering with Cross-Curricular Outdoor Learning and Quidditch


We are lucky to have Rock Steady Music School come in on  Tuesday afternoons. Rocksteady is the leading provider of 'in-school' band lessons for primary aged children.

Their approach is inclusive, which helps children find a sense of belonging through the building of new friendships and a shared love for music, whilst boosting their social skills, musical skills and confidence.  As a part of their lessons, children can learn to play the drums, keyboard, bass guitar, guitar or sing vocals for their band. They also get to perform in concerts for parents 3 times a year too!

If you would like to find out more or have your child join one of the rock bands, please find it via the Rock Steady Music School website.